Looking to become a new you in 2011? Well, a new revealing by uranologist Parke Kunkle is going to make that a whole lot easier.

Granting to Kunkle, the Earths coalition has changed over the past few hundred thousand yrs, making what you thought was your astrological signal, actually faulty.

The reputable stargazer importunes that the signs you were acquitted into have altered and a one-month opening in the zodiac signs is the result of that change.

So what does that mean for you? .

If you used to be a Virgin, youre now a Lion. If you used to be a Leo the Lion, youre now a Cancer and so forth.

But thats not all.

In addition to changing the signs, the stargazers want to add a 13th zodiac signaling sent for Ophiuchus. Youre an Opiuchus if your birthday goes down from November 29 Celestial latitude 17.

Furthermore, the new zodiac signal dates overlap one another. As you can see below, any person whose natal day goes down on the last possible day of the signal, also falls into the first daytime of the next signal. For instance, if your birthday is on Aug 10, technically you fall into both the Cancer and the Leo categories. I guess, at that point, you just take which one you like better J.

These could be your Zodiac Sign  See it...


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