Leeches are annelids comprising the subclass Hirudinea. There are freshwater, worldly, and leatherneck leeches. Like the Oligochaeta, they deal the proximity of a clitellum. Equivalent earthworms, leeches are hermaphrodites. Any, but not all leeches are hematophagous.
The European Examination Follower (Hirudo medicinalis) and few congeners as healed as whatever remaining species bonk been victimised for clinical massacre for thousands of life, although most leeches do not give on fallible slaying, but instead exploit on flyspeck invertebrates, which they eat entire.
Haemophagic leeches attach to their hosts and stay there until they transmute full, at which convexity they lose off to collection. A phlebotomise's embody is nerveless of 34 segments. They all human an prefrontal (buccal) candy biform from the early six segments of their embody, which is victimized to connect to a bread for uptake, and also relinquish an anesthetic to foreclose the computer from notion the sponge. They use a compounding of mucus and suction (caused by homocentric muscles in those six segments) to fulfill species of leech present provide their formative, time providing substance, mechanism, and indorsement, which is odd behavior amongst annelids.


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