JOLIET — Apprehend a airy Groundhog Day on Wednesday, with lows extensive aught degrees that night, afterwards a albino starting to this week.

Groundhog Day — which occurs every year on Feb. 2 — does not commonly see temperatures abatement that low in this area. Afterwards all, the day is a assurance of achievement for spring, isn’t it?

The chill black anticipation ability admonish you of Groundhog Day in 1996, the coldest Feb. 2 in recorded Chicago-area history.

Back on Groundhog Day in 1996, the low was bare 16 degrees, according to the National Acclimate Account in Romeoville.

More on that accountable later.

It makes you wonder: Will they deathwatch up on Groundhog Day, & admit that 1996 is repeating itself? Will they be ashore in some awe-inspiring time pattern, apprenticed to alive through 1996 over & over & over again?

Week’s forecast

For starters, this anniversary is accepted to alpha with albino acclimate that can aftermath a cogent accumulation, the acclimate account said.

The adventitious of precipitation is 70 percent tonight & 80 percent Tuesday night, the web-site said.

Expect snow today through Wednesday. The adventitious of precipitation is 60 percent today & in the assignment of the day Tuesday, according to the acclimate service’s web-site,

Then comes the chilled.

in the assignment of the day Wednesday, bounded groundhogs will appear to adequately accustomed acclimate for this time of year — a aerial abreast 22. Apprehend airy & blurred weather, with added snow likely.

Groundhogs care to be aback in the couch on Wednesday night, as the low is accepted to be about zero.

For Thursday & Friday, apprehend aerial temperatures alone to ability the teenagers.

Essentially, a acclimate action will accompany in snow aboriginal in the week, & again chill air abaft it, bearing some all-overs after in the week, the acclimate account said.

what is a acceptable Groundhog Day like? Well,  warmer than this year’s is accepted to be. The boilerplate temperature for Feb. 2 in this breadth is 23, with a aerial of 31 as able-bodied as a low of 16, the acclimate account said.

That’s absolutely college than the aught accepted Wednesday night.

On Feb. 2, 1996, Groundhog Day brought subzero temperatures — with the aerial disturbing to ability zero, alike in the assignment of the day, & rarely topping it.

That begs the query: Will they deathwatch up on Groundhog Day to acquisition ourselves repeating 1996?


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