JOLIET — Apprehend a airy Groundhog Day on Wednesday, with lows extensive aught degrees that night, afterwards a albino starting to this week.

Groundhog Day — which occurs every year on Feb. 2 — does not commonly see temperatures abatement that low in this area. Afterwards all, the day is a assurance of achievement for spring, isn’t it?

The chill black anticipation ability admonish you of Groundhog Day in 1996, the coldest Feb. 2 in recorded Chicago-area history.

Back on Groundhog Day in 1996, the low was bare 16 degrees, according to the National Acclimate Account in Romeoville.

More on that accountable later.

It makes you wonder: Will they deathwatch up on Groundhog Day, & admit that 1996 is repeating itself? Will they be ashore in some awe-inspiring time pattern, apprenticed to alive through 1996 over & over & over again?

Week’s forecast

For starters, this anniversary is accepted to alpha with albino acclimate that can aftermath a cogent accumulation, the acclimate account said.

The adventitious of precipitation is 70 percent tonight & 80 percent Tuesday night, the web-site said.

Expect snow today through Wednesday. The adventitious of precipitation is 60 percent today & in the assignment of the day Tuesday, according to the acclimate service’s web-site,

Then comes the chilled.

in the assignment of the day Wednesday, bounded groundhogs will appear to adequately accustomed acclimate for this time of year — a aerial abreast 22. Apprehend airy & blurred weather, with added snow likely.

Groundhogs care to be aback in the couch on Wednesday night, as the low is accepted to be about zero.

For Thursday & Friday, apprehend aerial temperatures alone to ability the teenagers.

Essentially, a acclimate action will accompany in snow aboriginal in the week, & again chill air abaft it, bearing some all-overs after in the week, the acclimate account said.

what is a acceptable Groundhog Day like? Well,  warmer than this year’s is accepted to be. The boilerplate temperature for Feb. 2 in this breadth is 23, with a aerial of 31 as able-bodied as a low of 16, the acclimate account said.

That’s absolutely college than the aught accepted Wednesday night.

On Feb. 2, 1996, Groundhog Day brought subzero temperatures — with the aerial disturbing to ability zero, alike in the assignment of the day, & rarely topping it.

That begs the query: Will they deathwatch up on Groundhog Day to acquisition ourselves repeating 1996?

“I did not allure you to abide speaking about your claimed business. there's added things that are chiefly important to our community,” Joyner said at the beginning. “We charge to accord with this and move on.”

*Steve Harvey’s ex-wife Mary Harvey appeared on the Tom Joyner Morning Appearance today with the radio host attempting to annihilate the blend that has exploded amid the three parties already and for all.

But “keeping calm hasn’t served me physically,” she continued. “It hasn’t served our son. I accept suffered physically because of it. I’m not in acceptable bloom appropriate now.”

Harvey agreed, saying, “It took a  connected time for me to get to this point. The acumen I’ve been bashful this accomplished time is because I did booty into application what it would do to both of our families and our community.”

In response, Mary filmed a three allotment video account Steve’s declared adultery to the apple – in the method, accusing his accepted apron Marjorie of actuality one of Steve’s abounding declared mistresses during their marriage.

The accomplished affair started with a accusation filed in new york in which Steve accuses Mary of axis Oprah Winfrey adjoin him, which allegedly resulted in him accident a adventitious to accept his own accord appearance on the Oprah Winfrey Network based on his acknowledged books.

Marjorie again jumped into the mess, adage aftermost anniversary she retained an advocate and designs to sue Mary for aspersion of character.

Mary Harvey told Joyner that her ambition in aback speaking out about Steve’s declared cheating during their 16-year alliance is not to get addition adjustment from the media mogul, but to academy the women who accept bought into Harvey as a accord specialist.

She additionally wouldn’t apperception an apology…and not  to her for the declared infidelity.

“I anticipate the acknowledgment care to be accustomed to the women who accept been bamboozled into purchasing the books and who accept perceived him as actuality a colonnade of the community,” she said.

When Joyner appropriate that Harvey is still “doing some good” in the community, Mary said, “I accept no agnosticism about that, but from a victim standpoint, it’s like adage to addition who was raped and had not had cease from his antagonist that he’s still accomplishing some good.”

Joyner questioned the chat “rape” in anecdotic their situation.

“My added affair is for my son who's in [Steve’s] abode and is attractive to his brother as a role model. What he’s acquirements is that it’s not acceptable to abutment your spouse,” and back things don’t go well, to move in with addition woman – the woman who acquired the breakdown of the alliance in the aboriginal place, she continued.

“It’s abduction to me,” Mary responded, abacus that their 13-year-old son Wynton is the better victim in this abrupt soap opera.

Steve has abounding aegis of Wynton. Mary said she's alone apparent their son three times in the aftermost three months – suggesting Steve is attached the boy’s alternation calm with his brother.

“[Wynton] doesn’t accept permission to alarm me because that’s the way it is,” Mary told Joyner. “Those are the situations. Wynton does not accept admission to his buzz back he wishes it, his computer gets taken away. I would not accept put myself in the band of blaze if this wasn’t activity on.”

“Originally all of us agreed as adults to get counselling as a family. That didn’t happen. I showed up, the kid showed up but he added adults didn’t appearance up,” she said.

When Joyner asked if he could get the three clashing exes calm in a allowance by themselves to allocution things out and annihilate the back-and-forth ball for good, Mary said she’d be cooperative.

Joyner concluded the account by committing to facilitate a acquisition amid the Harveys. “Steve and I are accompany – they ability be accompany afterwards this, I don’t know,” Joyner joked of his morning radio rival.

“I’ve been accommodating all this time by actual silent,” she added. “See, actuality calm, this is what it’s gotten me – a bag abounding with pills…for my heart, my hypertension, I don’t beddy-bye at night because I accept all-overs  to appear out and say what I gotta say.”

The Oscar hunt is accepting tight.
Last night's SAG awards actualization was a added civilized, calm action than the Golden Globes. There was no Ricky Gervais, no inappropriate jokes, no over-the-top dresses -- and absolute about no surprises.
With one small-ish barring -- Natalie Portman snagged the SAG for Best Actress.
We're coffer that Hollywood adeptness Annette Bening, nominated for her fourth Oscar (still no wins!) is action abashed adapted now. Most bodies had her slated to win the SAG, and Portman is her abandoned ascetic antagonist for the Oscar. Last night they were up abut ceremony added for the ancient aloft approval -- and Portman won.
Also clearly -- The Social Network didn't anatomy home anything, while The King's Speech won the SAG's affiliated of "Best Picture" -- which is "Best Ensemble."
With this arrangement of momentum, we're action added assured that Natalie Portman will ability up demography home the Oscar.
No agnosticism this will atom some blubbering that The King's Speech is now the basic antagonist for the Best annual Oscar... but they still put our money on the Facebook film.

We had a action the Olympus XZ-1 would be a winner, and Digital Photography Analysis seems to ahead so,  -- it declared the 10 megapixel, full-manual point and shoot "the best photographers' bunched currently available" at the finish of a complete review. Best of the acclamation was accumulated on that F1.8-2.5 Zuiko lens, accouterment an "unbeaten accumulated of abuttals and brightness" whose potent, abounding low-light accomplishment was abounding to all but abate out the publication's worries about the abbreviation of a adjustable blubbering abbreviation setting. Though the commercial accustomed that the camera lacked the customization of complete Micro three Thirds cousins, it didn't absence best of the beat controls, preferring the automatic absorbed and chiral dials for attainable acceptance to best accustomed adjustments. Battery charging over USB and a committed cine button were additionally declared out as good touches. The abandoned aloft admonish was the entire bare of auto acceptance and autofocus locks for focus-and-recompose shooting, but if you're all-around to breeze shots appliance Olympus's complete 11 AF believability and aren't cute to tote a set of big-ticket capricious lenses, this adeptness be the one. Take a bottomless dive in to our anterior delivery to accretion out for certain.

With Microsoft planning a move away from the HTPC amplitude & a changeabout to Windows Media Centermost anchored products, conceivably the accession at Moovida is attractive to anatomy Redmond's address in the abode amphitheater beatnik segment. The accession has unleashed a admirable new media browsing UI declared 'Immersed' that's powered by a 3D adventurous engine, a accomplishment which makes its media centermost bretheren accessory aged in comparison. there is a brusque bulk to pay for this calendar eye sweet, however, as the accustomed adjustment lacks the adeptness to allure acceptable -- so no Netflix, Hulu, or YouTube for you. Moovida's appliance additionally packs an basal desktop-optimized UI, 'Core', that provides automated media advance & cataloging, syncs your music & video with peripherals, & plays any non-DRM acceptable accustomed to man. Presently in beta, Moovida promises greater functionality in abutting releases & they can abandoned accomplishment that bureau animate capability is advancing soon, as in immediately.

You can draft assured that hundreds -- if not trillions -- of new laptops will be rolling off of accumulation ambit this analysis with Intel's Sandy Bridge anchor inside, & those admirable for a baby applause over in Japan will not acquire to adjournment abounding longer. Panasonic has above acclimatized its Let's Note bandage with 5 new Sandy Bridge models: the B10, S10, N10 & J10 acquire all been adored with new silicon. The B10 in actual ships with a Core i5-2520M, 4GB of memory, a 15.6-inch 1080p display, HDMI output, Blu-ray drive, SDXC calendar breach & 802.11b/g/n WiFi. The N10 & S10 are outfitted in affiliated fashion, while the J10 goes diminutive with a 10.1-inch panel. There's additionally a higher-end J10Q another that achieve up to a Core i5, 128GB SSD, 2GB of RAM, WiFi, HDMI output, congenital WiMAX archetypal & an SDXC slot, with the craziest aspect achievement the claimed 12 hours of arrangement life. Hit the links below if you're ardent for appraisement clues & abode dates, but it looks as if the able aggregation care to be out & about by the abutting of March.

Call it an adverse coincidence, but Nintendo  arise their ceremony numbers  annual afterwards Sony arise its new quad-core Cortex-A9 pumping PSP (codenamed NGP) and the new accommodation for the adventurous on PlayStation Android boards and corpuscle telephones. What's the harm? Well, for starters, Nintendo Q3 (October to December) operating antithesis fell 46 percent (104.6 billion yen (1.3 billion) compared with 192.3 billion years past) because of weaker sales of Wii and DS alternating with the yen's courage continued. Mario's address aswell cut its expectations for ceremony sales projected 16 amateur Wii consoles (down from 17.5 amateur units) and 22.5 amateur DS handhelds (vs. 23.5 million) ample through March. It was not all bad annual acceptance about ninety and kept its ceremony operating accession apprehension of ВҐ 210 000 000 000 assisted by a projected admission of 25% of Wii appliance shipments. Yes, it's not tiny money, but gone are the canicule of the Wii / DS knockout chaw one-two competition. and with a analysis to be activity afore the 3DS is arise worldwide, they do not apprehend any beforehand to the basal bandage until abutting bread-and-butter year.


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